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Showing posts from 2019

The Unspoken Struggle

Yahya had a pretty long day at work that stretched from 6am till 7pm during which he ate a lot of food (an important detail to keep in mind for later) and caught himself a fever. He didn't see the latter coming, and he was literally gasping for life, but he had an appointment with his friends to see a movie at the cinema he didn't want to miss, so he bit on his lips, gathered what he had left of energy, and attended the movie. He saw the movie and he ate a medium-sized popcorn basket, a medium pepsi cup and half a Pringles tube which he followed by a long loud BURRRRRP. As nature postulates, he felt some strange reactions happening in his stomach and he had to hold their consequences until he leaves the movie in respect to those who're watching; otherwise, he'd be waging an undesired chemical war on their noses.  So he finished with the movie and went to the toilet for a piss. He released- let's say- half of what he had of gases in his stomach. The reaction...