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Showing posts from December, 2018

Before Sunrise: the Back Story

Okay. This is going to be another blogpost about a movie I think is truly transformative. Not only in affecting the perspective of the viewer on relationships and intersexual dynamics and everything in between, but in the way it's been put together and the reason it was made for. A quick reminder of the movie Before Sunrise is about two random train passengers who met onboard and exchanged a short conversation which is later to be expanded across the 1 hour and 40 minutes of the movie. Jesse Wallace is an American guy who's stopping by the last destination in his tour in Europe, and Céline is a French girl who's taking the same train heading back to Paris after visiting her grandmother in Budapest. The movie starts with an angry German couple who argued about something and Jesse gathering enough balls to approach Céline in public and ask her what they were arguing about. Céline then drops her first few wise words telling him "that as couples get...